CINELLI Modello B, Campagnolo Record 1st gen, 55.5cm (mid 1960s) – SOLD
COLNAGO Eddy Merckx Molteni, Campagnolo Nuovo Record, 55.5cm (1974) + jersey – SOLD
05/01/2023GIRARDENGO Campionissimo by Maino, Vittoria Margherita gears, 57cm (1938) – SOLD
Costante Girardengo (18 March 1893 – 9 February 1978) was an Italian cyclist, considered by many to be one of the finest riders in the history of the cycling sport. He was the first rider to be declared a “Campionissimo” or “champion of champions” by the Italian media and fans. At the height of his popularity in the 1920s he was said to be more popular than Mussolini and it was decreed that all express trains should stop in his home town Novi Ligure, an honour only normally awarded to heads of state. Girardengo was almost unbeatable in years 1915 – 1925, his palmares includes: 2x Giro d’Italia, 30 stages at the Giro, 9x Italian champion, 6x Milano-San Remo. After his carrer he helped at Maino’s factory with developing bikes and directing their cycling team.
Maino was established in 1896 and is one of the oldest bicycle producers in Italy. Maino was the bike of Constante Girardengo and the first racing bicycle of Fausto Coppi. Maino also sponsored their professional cycling team existed in years from 1912-1936.
In 1920s changing gears meant stopping and removing the rear wheel and flipping it around to use a different size cog. But in early 1930s, the new Vittoria Margheritta gear system was released, which used a sprung tension arm, mounted on the chainstay and placed the striking fork above the chainstay, so requiring back-pedalling to change gear. Alfredo Binda had used the Vittoria Margherita system when he won the World championship in Rome in the fall of 1932 and many pros mounted the system on their bikes for the 1933 season. The Tour de France forbade the use of derailleurs until 1937. But unlike the Tour, the Giro d’Italia allowed their use before.
Proudly presenting this rare piece of the cycling history – GIRARDENGO Campionissimo which dates back to 1938. Stunning details spotted like: typical Maino fork crown, internal seat tube chain oiler, Girardengo decals with serial number underneath on the headtube. Equiped with legendary Vittoria Margheritta – Tipo Giro di Francia gearing system, original Universal 361666 brake levers, original Brooks saddle, wooden rims with original Siamt hubs.
With this special steel machine you can get an incredible experience how cycling heroes rode back in the golden era of cycling history.
Frame: Girardengo by Maino, steel frame (No. 94832)
– seat tube (c-t): 57 cm
– top tube (c-c): 58 cm
– headset tube: 13 cm
– standover: 80 cm
Gearing system: Vittoria Margherita, Tipo Giro di Francia
Crankset: original
Brakes: Universal
Brake levers: Universal 361666
Freewheel: Regina Extra (3 speed)
Headset: integrated
Stem: steel, original
Seatpost: Steel
Seat: BROOKS, original
Pedals: vintage, original
Hubs: Siamt
Rims: CBI wooden
Tubulars: Challenge 27mm
Air pump: Impero Silca
Handlebar Tape: Cloth, beige
Condition: Used, but good condition. No cracks, no dents, not bent. All parts are working fine.
Year: 1938
Price: SOLD (January 2023)